
Library : New Arrivals Name of the Title Author Call .no
1 A First Course on electrical Drives S K Pillai 621.381
2 An engineering approach to Computer Networking Keshav 004.6
3 Analog and Digital communications  HWEI P HSU DEBJANI MITRA 621.38
4 Basic and applied Soil Mechanics Ranjan Gopal, 624.,
5 Cloud Computing concepts Technology & Architecture Thomoas Erl 004.678
6 Cloud Computing Design Patterns Thomoas Erl 004.678
7 Coding Interview Questions K Narasimha 00523
8 Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach James F. kurose 004.6
9 Computer System Architecture Morris Mano M, 004.22,
10 Cyber Security Nina Godbole 005.8
11 Digital Image Processing Kenneth R Castleman 006.420
12 Digital Processing of Speech Signals Lawrence R. Rabiner, 621 380 44,
13 Essentials of Electronic Testing Michael L Bushnell 621.38  
14 Fuels and Combusion Sarkar Samir, 621.402,
15 G A T E - 2020 Civil Engineering  Graduate Aptitude Test in Engg. Trinshna Knowledge Systems. 624.076,
16 G A T E - 2020 Electronics and Communication Engg.  - 2020 Trishna Knowledge Systems. 621.307,
17 GENCO, TRANSCO & DISCOMs  Electrical Engineering AP GENCO. 621.3,
18 General English  GATE 2019  PSUS 2019 Made easy 428.2,
19 Introduction to Machine Learning Alpaydin Ethem 006.3
20 Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles Mehrbad Ehsani, 621.31,
21 Programmable Logic Controllers Principles and Applications John Webb W, 629.895,
22 Python Programming using problem solving approach Reema Theraja, 006,
23 Quantitate Aptitude  for competitive examinations fully solved Agarwal  R S 001.076
24 SSC-JE  Electrical Engineering Objective  Solved Papers Singh B, 621.3,
25 The Official Guide to the GRE  General Test 4 real practice tests ETS. 001.76,
26 Verilog HDL Palnitkar Samir, 621.381,
27 VLSI Technology SZE S.M., 621.381,
28 Cryptography and Network Security W. Stallings 005.82